Ten tips to start the semester right

13th January 2015

New Semester? No Problem! Use the tips below to help your semester get started on the right foot.

1.  Go to class, and get there on time.1017465_10152161061919633_2728372979027836272_n

If you miss class, you miss opportunities to learn and to ask for help. Set an alarm in the morning to wake up on time, and make sure to give yourself an adequate amount of time to get ready. If you drive to campus, you may have to leave for class earlier if there is traffic.

2.  Read the syllabi.

The syllabi contain vital information about the courses you are taking. For example, they contain professors’ contact information, assignment information and due dates. Read through the syllabi frequently to help you manage your workload.

3.  Write your life down.

Write your daily schedule in a planner. Jot down everything, including class times, work schedules, appointments, meeting times, activity times and miscellaneous events that pop up in your life. Make sure to write down all homework assignments, tests and exams as well.

4.  Develop a study plan.

After reading your syllabi, creating a study plan will help you gauge when and how long to study for your classes. This will help you organize your time so that you will be able to study for each class. Study plans are estimates, and they can be changed as needed.

5.  Set goals that are measurable and achievable. 

This will enable you to determine what you can achieve in a timeframe. When developing goals, decide how long it should take for you to achieve the goal, and make sure your goal can be quantified. For example, setting a goal to study for two hours per day will inspire more accountability than simply striving to “study more.” Also, think of your current skills and your current knowledge when deciding if your goals are achievable.

6.  Check your IU Southeast email regularly.

To stay informed, check this email account at least once a day. Professors send out emails to remind and to inform students of assignments, changes, tests and exams, and class cancellations. Additionally, different campus departments sometimes send emails that contain important information.

7. If you don’t have your books, get them.

Several classes require books; even if a professor rarely requires the books to be used outside of class, the books can still be valuable study tools. You can buy or rent books at the IU Southeast Bookstore in University Center South.

8.  Get help if necessary.

Do not wait to ask for help. Ask questions during or after class, or stop by your professors’ offices during their office hours. If you decide that you need a tutor, sign up for one in the Student Development Center in University Center South, room 203.

9.  Be mindful of academic deadlines.

The spring 2015 IU Southeast academic calendar lists several deadlines that students need to know. For instance, the calendar lists deadlines to change student schedules, including dropping and adding classes and declaring pass/fail options. The calendar can be found here. 

10.  Get involved in clubs or activities on campus.

Getting involved can help you develop valuable skills, de-stress and make memories. Stop by the Campus Life department in University Center South, room 010, for information about campus clubs, organizations, activities and events. Make sure to not become overly involved, though; keep your schedule in mind when adding a club or an activity to it.

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